Sunday 15 November 2020

 I worked an EME VK station in very heavy rain


During October , when we had very heavy rain ,I could see a VK station on the logger , the moon was just rising in the East just above the terrain .

after chatting i said i would see if we could receive him , it was very heavy rain at the time . I did not

expect anything .  what a surprise he was very strong even though we had heavy rain at the time , that's a surprise , we worked no problems and even got a good signal report in VK land at-13

                         Here is the chat on the logger .

                                                            and the actual qso in JT65B

 I worked my first USA station on EME.


 What a signal ! , this is him calling CQ a few weeks later . 

one of the biggest signals on 70cm eme , compaired to DL7APV and HB9Q.


                   here you can see the signals ,  decoded and the signal levels.

                   in the recording above the signals reached -9db !.

this is a screenshot of the actual qso in jt65B

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